
Learn more about InterMed, our people, and our industry.

Employee Spotlight: Shivanni Prowell

Born and raised in New Jersey, one of our talented young technicians, Shivanni Prowell, shares her path in the healthcare industry. She paints us a picture depicting her journey from beginning with why she chose to become a biomedical technician up to what she’s…
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What Is An ISO Certification & Why Is It Important?

It is well-known that the healthcare systems and their caregivers, due to the nature of high risks and sensitive information, are held to strict standards to ensure patient privacy and safety. Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) providers are expected to hold…
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How HTM Can Positively Impact HCAHPS Scores

Imagine this scenario – your grandmother has come down with a horrible, racking cough and constantly needs to be under blankets or else she will shiver violently. As a concerned grandchild, you want to take her to a hospital as you’re concerned it could be something…
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Employee Spotlight: Heather Parker

In celebration of National Volunteers Week, we are shining the light on the Executive Directory of Tyler’s Hope, a non-profit founded by Rick Staab, the founder of InterMed. Through her lifelong passion for helping others, Heather Parker paints her perspective on…
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Employee Spotlight: Jaxson Lamb

Do you remember your first job in your career? Was it daunting or maybe it was exhilarating, finally being a part of the working world? Each of us has a different experience to share and Jaxson Lamb, our Sales Representative, takes us on his current journey of being a…
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How Can You Reduce Costs With Your Medical Equipment?

Are those equipment bills adding up? First, it’s a service bill for your MRI then another for your C-Arm, and don’t forget the bills for the parts needed to service them. On the other hand, maybe you’ve lost an IV pump and are forced to purchase a new one.…
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