Our Blog

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What Is An ISO Certification & Why Is It Important?

It is well-known that the healthcare systems and their caregivers, due to the nature of high risks and sensitive information, are held to strict standards to ensure patient privacy and safety. Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) providers are expected to hold…
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Employee Spotlight: Laura Gemma

A Gainesville, FL native, Laura Gemma opens up about her role here at InterMed. From JumpTeams Coordinator to Manager and, now Director, her three and half years so far have been a deep dive into the field service industry. What exactly is JumpTeams? JumpTeams is a p
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How HTM Can Positively Impact HCAHPS Scores

Imagine this scenario – your grandmother has come down with a horrible, racking cough and constantly needs to be under blankets or else she will shiver violently. As a concerned grandchild, you want to take her to a hospital as you’re concerned it could be something…
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Employee Spotlight: Chris Miesse

Born and raised in the heart of Texas is our very own Chris Miesse who is one of our Directors of Business Development for HTM. In celebration of HTM Week, Chris breaks down his journey into HTM and his perspective on the industry. Read on to learn his insights!…
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The InterMed Group Announces Michael Koffler as Chief Executive Officer

Alachua, Florida, May 20, 2024—The InterMed Group (“InterMed” or the “Company”), a leading provider of healthcare technology management services, proudly announces the appointment of Michael Koffler as its new Chief Executive Officer. “On behalf of the InterMed…
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AI in Healthcare

Welcome to the 21st century, where AI (artificial intelligence) is increasingly integral to our daily lives. As a component of computer science, AI focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human thought. These…
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