Developing a Medical Device Maintenance Plan
Maintenance has a proven track record of extending the longevity of medical devices of every shape and size. Just like a car or personal computer, adhering to regular updates and routine maintenance can ensure that a piece of medical equipment runs smoothly for longer.
Medical Device Maintenance Frequency
The frequency of maintenance can differ between devices and the frequency of use. For example, a defibrillator may have much more frequent use than an otoscope, and therefore, may require more frequent maintenance check-ups.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for maintenance plans as tailoring a program specific to your medical facility will yield the best results. Personalized doesn’t have to mean complicated, however, and InterMed makes developing a comprehensive maintenance plan simple.
“You don’t buy off the shelf at InterMed,” the Director of Clinical Operations at InterMed said. “We’re a fully tailorable company, we take in, and we listen to your needs and build a program around them.”
Medical Device Maintenance & Inventory
InterMed takes stock of a facility’s inventory, loading the full list into a tracking program. From there, InterMed can establish maintenance schedules for each piece of equipment. Whether you need preventative maintenance done on a single piece of equipment or the entire inventory of a facility, InterMed has you covered.
Once your inventory is recorded, preventative maintenance is scheduled annually, bi-annually, or according to any other timeframe appropriate for the device or facility in question. Preventive maintenance not only extends the lifetime of a piece of medical equipment but also reduces downtime.
Preventative maintenance also ensures that devices run smoothly. Device failure is not always apparent — if things are not running correctly, there can be issues with operation, data collection, diagnoses, and more. Keeping up with scheduled maintenance can help to ensure your facility is running at maximum efficiency.
In the case of device malfunction or failure, InterMed can schedule corrective maintenance to identify and respond to the device failure.
Unlike many other healthcare technology management (HTM) services, InterMed does not have a minimum requirement when working with facilities. We believe that every facility should have confidence in their equipment and offer their patients peace-of-mind.
“At the end of the day, our job is to offer a solution,” Moore said. “We’re here to help the healthcare industry and be a solution.”
Contact InterMed today to get started on your preventative maintenance plan.